

The Metadata page can be accessed by clicking on the same of a project. This page shows all the metadata associated to such project (either added manually or automatically by ShowVoc).


This page shows several tables describing different metadata of the datasets.

The top left table lists general metadata of the dataset which are automatically inferred by the system (they can be generated via "Create/refresh dataset metadata" from the Datasets manager in the Administration dashboard).

Under this table, a Facets panel shows and allows the editing (only to authorized users) of the dataset facets, namely Category and Organization. Custom facets can be shown as well if properly configured from the Dataset manager.


It is possible to prepare specific distrubutions associated to the current dataset (normally a snapshot of the data in a specific time)

To create a distribution, click on the + button in the "Distributions" section and select "Create distrubution download".

Create distrubution download

In the prompted dialog, the following paramters can be inserted:

Create distrubution download windows

Once the distrubution has been created (the time depends on how big the dataset is) it can be downloaded by clicking on the entry under the download column

Under the Distributions section it is also possible to make available any kind of file simply by clicking on + then Upload file option.

Finally, a distribution can be deleted by clicking on the trash bean button.

Dataset stats

If the dataset medatata have been generated (by doing "Create/refresh dataset metadata" in the Dataset manager), then the Stats panel on the rigth side of the page contains further information.

The top panel shows the Type distribution, namely tells the amount of resources for each well-known type (e.g. skos:Concept, skos:ConceptScheme, ...)

Statistics about the different languages present in the current dataset are also described under the Lexical assets panel. This statistics can be ordered by language ISO code (default) or by amount of lexicalizations.

It is possible to visualize these statistical data also as charts.

Two types of charts are available: pie and bar charts. The arrow on the right of the Chart selection allows you to switch between these two.