Users Management

Users manager panel

The User manager panel (available from version 3.1.0) can be accessed only by administrator users from the Administration dashboard (under the user menu on top right corner of the page). From there, select "Administration dashboard" and then click on "Users" from the selector menu at the top.

Under this panel there are listed all registered users. In this list, administrators and super users are distinguished by icons placed on the right of their names. When a user is selected from the list a panel opens on the right-hand side of the screen. This panel provides information about the selected user, including their given name, family name, email address and password (hidden, with the possibility to change it).

User's role can be changed using a selector located on the top right corner of the user details panel. The available roles are Administrator, Super user and the "standard" User.

About the Administrator role, there's no much to explain, administrators wield supreme authority over the application, possessing unrestricted access to all features and functionalities. Super Users have the ability to create datasets and are automatically designated as Project Managers upon dataset creation. Users represent the standard authenticated users of the application, they can't do much untill they're assigned to a specific dataset. Standard users, upon assignment, are entrusted the role of Project Manager for the designated dataset.

Users assigned the role of Project Manager are enabled to perform a wide set of the actions described in Datasets manager within their designated datasets.

User creation

Administrators can easily create new users by utilizing the "+" button located on the header of the Users Manager panel. Clicking this button opens a dialog prompting administrators to input essential user information, including the email address, the password (with an additional field for confirmation to ensure accuracy), Given name and Family name.

Once administrators have filled out the required fields and submitted the form, a new user is created within the system. By default, this new user is assigned the "User" role.