

In ShowVoc the administrator is the only user authorized to manage some "behind the scene" aspects of the platform. The administrator user can log in to the system through the Login button located in the top right corner of the application. Once the administrator is logged in, a dropdown menu takes the place of the Login button. From this menu it is possible to access the administration dashboard or to log out.


By clicking on the Administration dashboard item, the administrator lands directly on the Datasets manager dashboard. Dedicated documentation about this dashboard is available here.
From this page, through the buttons on the top, it is also possible to access other panels for managing the Users, Metadata Registry, HTTP resolution and Content Resolution and the Contributions requests. Anyway, this page details only System Configuration aspects.

System configuration

From this panel, it is possible to configure some core aspects of the system. These configurations are not mandatory, but they are needed in order to make the whole system work as expected. The same configuration panel is prompted at the first access to ShowVoc.

The following configuration sections are foreseen:

Email configuration: configuration of the ShowVoc e-mail service: This service is used to send notifications to the contributors and to the administrator itself. This configuration is particularly important as if it is not properly configured, the system will not be able to send email notifications to the contributors with the details required to complete the contribution.

Remote access configuration: configuration of the remote triple store that hosts the datasets in ShowVoc (usually a GraphDB instance). If this is not properly configured, ShowVoc will not be able to create remote datasets for hosting stable resources, but it will be possible to create just local datasets.

VocBench configuration: Configuration of the VocBench/SemanticTurkey instance dedicated to the development of unstable resources. If this is not properly configured, ShowVoc will not be able to connect with VocBench, so it will be impossible to accept contributions for under-development resources.

For the email and VocBench configurations it is available a Test button useful to check that the provided info are valid. In the first case a sample email is sent to an address provided by the user; in the second, a login request with the given credentials is performed to the given SemanticTurkey host.

Home page content: allows for basic customization of the home page content by providing HTML-formatted text content. This could be useful in case the system administrator would like to print a message visible to all users.

Here is an example of home page customized through the Home page content setting shown above. A further way to customize the home page is described here.

Other settings: two settings are available in this section.